Sunday, July 25, 2010

Katalog Stron Internetowych


Approximately 6 blocks up the Avenue Germany Alquiles Ramirez Street, past the Progress Street, past the passage "23", approaching the summit of Cerro San Juan de Dios, the school is San Tadeo. In this place, a little dizzy. The slope of the hill is strong. Is the landscape? Typical of the top of our city. A mix of old footage that with the passing of the years, have been consolidated with the smell of the neighborhood. Front of the school, west side, there is a small passage without a name. Entered.

The view is breathtaking. The houses emanate dignity and effort. In the middle, there is a bowling sell endives, potatoes, onions, tomatoes. After the store, the character of the passage changes. Just concrete. Weaving begins, steps, railings, wooden boards across the hill. All improvised with great affection by the villagers themselves. And suddenly arrived. Envision what we came to discover. Bodhisattva. Shangri-la. Nirvana.

discovered a park. A beautiful park. There is a channel with a natural waterfall that falls from the rock of the mountain, emptying into a small Eden that the neighbors have been transformed into an amphitheater. Impossible to visit a place without my tears fall. Planner appears frustrated I am. "If I had discovered this place 12 years ago could have done wonders here, I think. Sure, 12 years ago, there was a different zeitgeist.

Zeitgeist is German for "the spirit of the moment." Explain how it is possible that in Paris between 1869-1885, appeared painters of the stature of Monet, Cezanne, Renoir, Manet, Pissarro, and Degas. The zeitgeist is what the young Bob Dylan took advantage when he arrived in Greenwich Village in 1962. Is what inspired the young John Lennon to play with his neighbor, Paul, in Liverpool the same year.

And there was a zeitgeist in Valparaiso between 1998-2003. It was a historical window opened. And amazing things happened. Valparaiso heritage humanity. Valparaíso Cultural Capital. It was a mystical time. Is dreaming big.

I will not delve into the factors that closed the window. It would be another column. The important thing is that, with the Forum of Cultures, is a wonderful opportunity to open it again.

For this to happen, we must rethink the Forum. It can not be exclusively a cultural event "occurs." Not enough drama, music, poetry, and art. Be invited to great thinkers. Architects, planners, philosophers. We must create conditions for people to come to Valparaiso brilliant work, dream, inspiration, and dialogue. And not only have to bring the Yugoslav or Paseo Gervasoni. Should be invited to places as diverse as the park opposite the school passage San Tadeo.

The forum is not displayed. This is to reflect, meditate, and out of our comfort zone. Trying to capture lightning in a bottle. It tries to seduce the zeitgeist again.


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