Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kates Playground Hard Core

From Puebla to Puerto

If one day the Congress were to pass a Law Valparaiso and I have been clear what will be my best contribution on the subject: a chicken mole.

A month ago, Juan Carlos Garcia, regional director of the MOP, told me his intention of bringing together our two senators to discuss the issue. On 20 November, my phone rang. "You're all set. There will be food in my home on 27." "I bring something?" I asked. "Only your passion for Valparaiso." I was a little disappointed. I love cooking.

The morning of 27 called me back. "They have added a few other key characters. Can you help with the appetizer?" "Count on me" I said.

Although three regions of Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, and Puebla-compete to be the "birthplace of mole, more credible meeting the paternity of the latter. According to legend, a monk named Fray Pascual prepared a meal for the archbishop of the city. He wanted to convince the church to promote some changes for the people. But Pascal was poor. In his cabinet, some species were only a couple of poblano and chipotle type Chillies, walnuts, stale bread, and chocolate. Was frustrated. He turned around by the people. In his absence, there was a windstorm. When he returned, all the ingredients had been mixed. A sign from God. The friar served as a sauce to accompany a turkey. The archbishop was so ecstatic that given all the changes that the monk requested.

Thus, it was clear my appetizer to save Valparaiso. First, saute the chicken in garlic and a touch merquén to give Chile. Then, the mole, I added a little tomato and honey trick of the Indians of the Oaxaca area. It gives you more complexity and ensures the desired narcotic effect.

The first test was Senator Lagos Weber, followed by Juan Carlos, his wife Xochitl, and Ramon de la Torre, winner Of Sciences. While all were attacking the mole, my second appetizer, a few cherry tomatoes with mozzarella and pesto, looked at me sadly. No one was fishing.

's cell phone rang Juan Carlos. Went to the kitchen to answer it. Ricardo Lagos, who, even without the mole is a very funny man, and approaching an unprecedented clarity. "It Chahuán Pancho" he joked. "Call to apologize because it just leaves a meeting with some ladies on the hill and come back."

Juan Carlos back: "Senator Chahuán just emerging from a meeting on the hill is coming." All were dying of laughter.

There were 5 pieces of chicken mole. We kept to the Chahuán. Two hours later, having devoured the delicious chocolate fondue tilapia and prepared by our hosts, we focus on the obstacles that complicate the project, including how to generate massive citizen movement in a city where civil society is so fragmented and distrustful?

Are my conclusions? We have two Senators, of different trails, 100% registered. Now we just need to add and add. A work gentlemen. I bring the mole.


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