Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Congratulate To A New Baby

the ideological map, they are fighting (Sunday 27/02/2011)

only one map will allow us to take ideological positions of success in this war for the construction of socialism and the defense of humanity. History, the unsurpassed master revolutionary, it is very clear in their lessons, we must always return to it, to keep it under your pillow. Let's see.
Revolutionary opportunity arise in all three major streams, there are others, but often of little bulk. Let how they manifest among us.
A French capitalism is proposed to bind us to the carriage of globalization, go back to the great empires, the transnationals, dance music played by the developed countries, kneel before Davos.
This current is a vocal proponent of property nosocial and selfishness, it does so without complex, based on the art and science.
face is finding the ideology of the petty bourgeoisie, always doubting, weak, makes a diagnosis wonderful world of reality under capitalism, tears his clothes before so hungry, so excluded, the major attacks food hoarders, Moluccan capitalists ... but at the time of the solutions, cowers and starts to spin to avoid going to the heart of the matter. Intended to make an omelet without breaking eggs.
The history between us is not new in the middle of last century, liked a lot the political scene: social democracy, represented by adecos, and the pecevecos on the bandwagon, proposed a sort of National Liberation, which was no thing that the development of national bourgeoisie, socialism to postpone the remote times, is called thought reform. And Che said that in these lands the bourgeoisie always surrendered to the empire. Already
they said the classics: the absence of the reformist revolution would happen around the globe. And another explained: intoxicates a reformer and will a capitalist. They were right, the reformist approach was the origin, became the dark compact fixed point, and on behalf of Juan Bimba sold the country to capitalism and viciously pursued the Revolutionaries.
Today, with the possibility of the Bolivarian Revolution, history repeats itself. Reformism raises nuanced, build, strengthen a national bourgeoisie, who, to conceal, named as "productive sectors". Proposes a kind of hybrid feasible, a capitalsocialismo, which is a way to slip into capitalism.
In this hour of definitions arising from the progress of the Revolution, this current, paradoxically, has as its main enemy in the Revolutionary to the one posed the profound changes that guide towards socialism.
The third trend is the revolutionary, proposed Social Responsibility Awareness intertwined with the social ownership of the means of production. That is, going beyond social goals, travel the road to socialism.
That is the ideological map, is a guide to policy. Swiss capitalists and reformists, from both sides of the talanquera are enemies of the Revolution, because they are anti-socialist.
subtracted With Chavez!


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