Monday, April 26, 2010

William Rogers & Son Aa Is

Not all days will receive a gift like this

In 1869, Federico Santa Maria attended a shot along with his partner, George Ross. He was 24 years. "The purpose of the auction? A farm of 894 acres located north of the lighthouse Punta Angeles. It was a beautiful forest of peumos, eucalyptus and bushes, surrounded by huge cliffs, inhabited by lizards and rabbits peucos flown by. Young people awarded it.

In subsequent years, the employer would add other adjacent panels, totaling 1,400 hectares from the Quebrada "The Lucumo" to the beach at Laguna Verde.

Then he settled in Paris FSM. His keen business sense make him one of the sugar business in the world. But after the outbreak of World War I, the great Buenos Aires retired from business.

In 1915, five years before writing the will to give life to the UTFSM, Federico Santa MarĂ­a drafted a new will. It agreed to donate all of its 1,400 acres, under the name Fundo Quebrada Verde, the "Board of Charities of the City of Valparaiso." The purpose? Creating a great park for the Jewel of the Pacific. According to the testament: "That this park becomes a forest, like the great cities of Europe."

For decades, more than half of the property was lost by formal and informal developments. "What was left? It was a piece. His administration was transferred, again and again, from various state and municipal structures, falling, finally, in Fonasa.

By now, almost nobody knew the origin of the farm. Much less remember the desire of the benefactor.

But two years ago came news that went completely unnoticed. Fonasa would fulfill at last the desire of Federico Santa Maria. 93 years after his will be created in the Fundo Quebrada Verde, a large park for Valparaiso.

few days ago, my children and I went to explore. It's wonderful. I know it is not customary in Chile to think long term. So many come to the new park and "peel." Criticize many brownfield sites left. Say that the project to create three lakes has not been well managed.

But how many years it will take to mature Manhattan's Central Park, the Sydney Royal Botanical Garden or the Boston Common? Approximately half a century each. So, do not miss our new park with a different attitude. You have to enjoy the lush nature, indeed. But more importantly, we must dream the gift that we can plant there for future generations.

First, the locals must take ownership of the property. So far we have not. Must learn its history. We need to discover the flora and fauna. Moreover, municipal schools must participate. Make guided tours, which take places, to plant gardens that help make trails. Our businesses to donate plants and mature trees.

not every day you get a gift like this.


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