Chile from Chile
In 1994, to commemorate the success of "Il Postino", the Miramax studio released an album with Glenn Close, Julia Roberts, Madonna, Samuel L. Jackson, Willem Dafoe and reciting, each, his favorite poem by Pablo Neruda.
Very nice. Our poet has been translated into over 20 languages. His verses have inspired parts of jazz, blues, folk and opera. They study more than 5 thousand universities in 200 countries. If you go to the U.S. and questions to the last 30 winners of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, more than half appoint the author of "Canto General" among his influences.
A gringo who wants to read "20 Poems Love and a Song of Despair "in English can choose from six different translations. All have sold out its first edition and several in the fifth to go up. If you prefer" Basic Works "or" Residencia en la Tierra "the phenomenon is repeated. According Alistair Reid: "Neruda is the most read poet since Shakespeare." Each year, thousands of foreign pilgrims enter the country only to see, touch, smell and breathe their favorite poet. Many Chileans still refuse to see it, but the son of Parral world inspires devotion reserved for figures of the stature of Cervantes, Chaucer, Whitman, Rilke and Yeats.
All of which explains my despair at the thought of the 44 honorable they beat one of the great ideas of our time: to rename the main entrance to Chile "Pablo Neruda International Airport."
"Pablo Neruda" and "Valparaiso" are two of the major brands that have Chile. If you add value to these brands, enhance the country's image. Encourage our universality. Chile grows. Inside and out.
Unfortunately, every time someone dares, appears backfire. Half of Chile sabotages it.
just do not understand. "For the sake of your country, how you will not be able to see beyond your old scores? I swear, every time I hear the argument siútico "Neruda was given the Nobel only because it was communist, I pray for the soul of this country I love so much.
Take the case of our other great brand: Valparaiso. For 12 years, 90% of Chileans have visited us even if they will pay the travel .
12 years later, the only protected Chilean city on the same list with Prague, Venice, Budapest, and Cuzco, is fashionable. Now, thousands of Chileans come for a walk. However, each time one of these states love the port, then see the "but." But the trash. But the holes. But the locals. But the dogs.
Forget for a moment the obvious fact that Chile, if you wanted, you could invest in Valparaiso to bring it up to his inauguration. The point is another. The point is that an important part of Chile does not want. An important part would prefer not to hold or Pablo Neruda or Valparaiso. This is
see this stranger who came to Chile by Neruda, who stayed in Valparaiso.
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