The June 27, 1938, Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov was heading to his humble home in Moscow after a hard day's work designing rockets at a secret research institute. Sergey Pavlovich was accustomed to buy the newspaper and bread before you get home and that day was no exception. But as he approached the doorway of her building was concerned as a sinister black men in an official car watching the movements of the neighbors. A shiver ran through her body. The era of Stalinist terror was at its peak and the presence of the shadowy figures could mean only one thing: the NKVD lurking. Twenty years later, Korolev would be known as the great "Chief Engineer", the architect of rocket R-7 Semiorka would put into orbit on Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in history, and launched into space Yuri Gagarin . But that was far in the future. That Monday, 1938, Korolyov was a simple engineer of 31 years.
Yuri Gagarin (or LEFT) with Sergei Korolyov in 1961.
was not the first time the secret police had in the neighborhood and had arrested several neighbors. Most had been absorbed by the complex system of prison camps of the Gulag , but they were alive and wrote regularly to his family. However, the really worrying was that minority who had disappeared without a trace. Despite the fear, Korolyov plucked up courage and went home with the paper and bread. When all is said and done, what else could I do? It made no sense to flee or hide, there was only resign and wait. During dinner, his wife Ksenia was particularly concerned about the presence of the officers of the NKVD. Fortunately, his daughter Natalia, only three years old, was at grandma's house. After dinner the couple's fears were confirmed when the doorbell rang. When you open the door, there were two men in black. As expected, Korolev ordered to dress and accompany them. As he walked away in the car, Korolyov knew that would take two years to return to step Moscow. Three months later, the NKVD would Korolyov's name on a list of "traitors" who should be killed inmedatamente. The death sentence would be signed by Stalin himself. The future fate of the Chief Engineer was sealed.
The GDL GIRD and
Before Terror, Korolyov's life had passed in a much more enjoyable. Unlike other pioneers of astronautics as Tsiolkovsky, Goddard, Oberth and von Braun, Korolyov had not shown any particular interest in outer space. Theirs was to fly. Felt a special fascination with airplanes and twenties even designed several gliders. A Foreign liked to test their own designs, hobby cost him quite a few "scares." Korolyov would meet with Rockets investigating methods to fly higher, faster and farther than anyone. During his student at Moscow's Bauman Technical University (MVTU) was able to meet many brilliant engineers who shared his passion for aviation and jet propulsion.
Korolyov in his student years.
Korolyov (center) testing one of their gliders.
founded in the autumn of 1931 with other amateur rocketry organization GIRD (Группа изучения реактивного движения, "Study Group of the Jet Motion") . Among the founders were figures from the likes of Mikhail Tijonrávov , but the real powerhouse of this diverse group of scientists and engineers was Fridrij Tsánder , a visionary of space exploration. "Forward to Mars!" (Вперёд, к Марсу!) Was the slogan as a mantra repeated ad nauseam. Fridrij was in some ways the antithesis of Korolyov. Passionate, reckless, disorganized and inconsistent, in sharp contrast with the methodical, ambitious young Korolyov. But Foreign Minister had a deep respect for the figure of Tsánder. While Korolyov could be quite rude to her fellow GIRD when comparing opinions, almost never dared to interrupt Tsánder in public. During a visit to GIRD by several senior party, Korolyov had recommended to his colleagues did not talk about space, avoiding "frightening" to the authorities. All engineers presented their achievements without making any reference to space travel. But when it came his turn to Tsánder, he began to passionately explain how in a few years a Soviet citizen could travel the cosmos in hand GIRD rockets. The other fellow was left in shock, but Korolyov decided not to intervene and allowed Tsánder continue with his presentation. In fact, the future Chief Engineer secretly used to pay the waiters in the bar of GIRD to receive a breakfast Tsánder more abundant than usual. Obsessed with work and space travel, Tsánder barely eating enough to stand, which was cause for concern among his fellow GIRD. Unfortunately, poor eating habits and busy lifestyle we would bill and would die in 1933 without seeing his dream come true.
Fridrij Tsánder.
Models "interplanetary craft" of Tsánder.
OR-2 engine kerosene and liquid oxygen Tsánder designed.
is at this time when Korolyov began to think seriously about space travel, no doubt thanks to his long talks with Tsánder and direct contact with the work of Tsiolkovsky, by then recognized as a pioneer in this field. The GIRD was not a totally amateur , Since it depended on Osoaviajim, a statewide organization designed to promote the development of new aircraft technologies. Yes, the wages were particularly low even by Soviet standards of the time. This was intended to only stay in the GIRD those engineers and scientists were truly committed to the cause of the rocket. Tsánder would be the first leader of GIRD, but when the authorities saw the erratic behavior of the eccentric scientist decided to put the pragmatic Korolyov by the group.
GIRD founding members, with the row Korolyov down in the center. Tsánder appears in the same row on the right.
The GIRD soon reap its first successes. Before 1933, this amateur team had built and launched the first Soviet liquid fuel rocket, the GIRD-09. But the truth is that the GIRD-09 was actually a hybrid rocket, would follow soon after the GIRD-10 (or GIRD-X), totally liquid propulsion. The Soviet GIRD getting so that Germany and the United States had achieved a few years earlier. Liquid fuels were extremely complex and expensive compared to traditional solid-fuel rocket based on compounds of gunpowder. However, they were much more efficient from the standpoint of energy. If the man had to reach space, I would thanks to liquid fuels. But Korolyov and other GIRD members were aware that a military approach was essential to achieve adequate levels of funding required the development of these new rockets. By then it was unclear what role they could play the Rockets on the battlefield, but surely something would work. For here to find new ways to kill us, humans are particularly good.
The GIRD-09.
Members GIRD with GIRD-10, the first Soviet liquid fuel rocket.
result of these contacts, GIRD started to receive a financial support of the Red Army in exchange for following certain lines of investigation secret. Although for the rest of Soviet society the GIRD was little more than a gang of eccentric amateurs, it is true that by 1933 had become a true research institute with over seventy employees. Parallel
to GIRD in the USSR there was another group dedicated to investigating the development of rockets called GDL (Газодинамическая лаборатория, "Lab Gasodinámica) . The GDL had been founded in 1928 and reported directly to the Red Army. Among their ranks were also brilliant engineers such as Valentin Glushko, dedicated to the investigation of hypergolic fuel engines. Thirty years later, Glushko become Korolyov's successor at the head of the Soviet space program. As GIRD progressed in developing its missiles, it became increasingly clear that it would be logical to merge the two organizations under the control of the military. The GDL was a much larger school and disciplined, the end of the military era, but GIRD members were welcome a merger for the sake of "cause." The same thought Tukhachevsky , future Marshal of the Soviet Union and spiritual father of the GDL.
The union was expected in October 1933, leading to the first institute research in the world dedicated exclusively to the development of rockets. The creature is called RNII (Реактивный научно-исследовательский институт, "Scientific Research Institute of the [Sprint] Jet") and depend on the curatorial -Soviet ministry of heavy industry ( Komtyazhprom ).
Valentin Petrovich Glushko . The
RNII be headed by Ivan Kleymiónov and Georgi Langemak , the latter invented the term "space flight ." Friction between Korolyov and other GIRDianos with Kleymiónov would not expect. Langemak Kleymiónov and were supporters of the solid fuel rockets, much less efficient than liquid fuel launchers, but easier to build and store. Kleymiónov considered the RNII should primarily be practical and useful weapons development, not mere fantasy vehicles. As a last resort, tolerated the use of liquid fuels in certain cases, but always they were hypergolic fuels. Glushko had demonstrated the value of this type of fuel, though toxic, were much easier to store than the volatile and expensive liquid oxygen favored by the "crazy" of GIRD. And it would be a brief discussion. The debate between the two types of fuel would be about the Soviet space program as a spectrum well into the 70's.
Teriéntevich Kleymiónov Ivan.
Érijovich Langemak Georgi.
With Kleymiónov pressure, RNII would design the solid fuel rocket RS-82 and RS-132, which eventually would become the famous M-8 and M-13 of the Second World War, more popularly known as Katyusha . In contrast, Korolyov and his former colleagues GIRD not seem to be very clear what to do with liquid fuel rockets. Ballistic missiles were still far in the future and the only viable option was to use them as missiles or aircraft to propel airplanes into the stratosphere. In any case, the military did not seem very impressed with the applications of liquid fuels. However, supporters of Korolyov and Kleymiónov continued their fighting, sending incriminating letters to party officials and Tukhachevsky. The quarterback, now paragraph RNII direct control, was forced to intervene several times to bring order to the school.
But while RNII engineers wasted their efforts on children squabbling, the country in which they lived began to change dramatically. In 1937 begin the era of ' The Terror' unleashed by Stalin with the invaluable assistance of Nikolai Yezhov, commissioner of the NKVD. The arrests of "enemies of the people" multiplied at the same time a generalized psychosis took over the entire population. No one was safe. Anyone could be sued for "traitor", or worse, "Saboteur" - at the hands of neighbors or coworkers.
The NKVD then launched into an orgy of purging among senior Red Army. Tukhachevsky quarterback, former RNII pattern would be arrested on May 26, 1937 as a suspected member of an "anti-Soviet Trotskyite conspiracy." 17 days after he was executed. In a system like the Soviet-dominated patronage relationships, the subordinates of purged officials are next on the list of the NKVD. In this context, the old pujas RNII engineers acquire now a deadly hue, literally. Leonid Korneiev, a former specialist RNII engineer fired for Kleymiónov liquid oxygen, Stalin sent a letter denouncing his former boss as an accomplice of the "dog Tukhachevsky." Andrei Kostikov, another former GIRD engineer specializing in liquid fuels Kleymiónov branded as a traitor, a charge particularly serious given that Kostikov a member of the Communist Party.
At first, the RNII try to stay out of the purges. But as expected, the November 3, 1937 the NKVD arrested the day Kleymiónov and then follows his deputy, Georgi Langemak. A month later, a signature Kleymiónov confession under torture and is subjected to a military trial on January 10, 1938. Would be executed that day. On January 11 it would behoove the turn Langemak. Kleymiónov loss and Langemak have important consequences. The investigation of solid-fuel rockets in the USSR would suffer a significant delay because of these purges. Had it not been killed, would they have been considered and Langemak Kleymiónov pioneers of astronautics with Korolyov and Glushko? We'll never know.
But the drama in the RNII not stop with these deaths, as during the torture sessions had betrayed Kleymiónov Glushko and Korolev as accomplices of their "crimes." Korolev managed to avoid being involved in the matter for some time. When all is said and done, the enemy of Kleymiónov had nothing to fear. Kostikov pressed him to inform on his enemies, but Korolyov preferred to concentrate on work and continued with business as usual. As a friend of Kleymiónov, Glushko not have much luck and March 23, 1938 was arrested by the NKVD. Shortly after he was sentenced to six years in prison, but fortunately sent to a labor camp for engineers, known informally sharashka - where living conditions are relatively good. The sharashkas would be created by the infamous Lavrenti Beria under the official name of OTB, "special technical offices."
Unfortunately for Korolev, Glushko also reveals during an interrogation. As a result, the circle narrows more and more around the young engineer. Finally, Korolyov was arrested June 27 in Moscow. From there he moved to a prison in Novocherkassk, near the black sea. In this prison would be "questioned" as a gift thoughtful and it seems that received paths fractures in upper and lower jaws. Following this beating would be impossible to open the mouth fully for the rest of his life. A few months later, the NKVD decided to include in a list of traitors to be executed. Korolev did not know, but his life hung by a thread. The convicts would be executed two days later in Kommunark, a center of the NKVD near Moscow. Against all odds, his death sentence was overturned and Korolyov end up in court. Still unknown what caused this last minute change, but what is certain is that the history of space exploration would be very different if the name of Korolyov had not been removed from that grim list. Although
miraculously saved his life, things would not be any easier for Sergey. The judge decided to sentence him to ten years in prison and five of deprivation of political rights. Korolyov thought, like many other prisoners, it was all a simple misunderstanding. He maintained a correspondence with his family frantic to try to change their situation. Finally, the authorities agreed to review his case, but Korolyov not have time to rejoice. Because before you get your notice of his retrial in April 1939, the NKVD sent him to work at gold mines Kolyma in eastern Siberia. To say that the conditions were brutal Kolyma is an understatement. Even by the cruel standards of the Gulag, life in the gold mines was hellish. Before to reach the mines, many prisoners lost their lives during the journey by boat across the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk to reach the port of Magadan. Korolyov soon would add another seventy thousand prisoners who worked in the Kolyma River day and night temperatures of several tens of degrees below zero. The killings and beatings were the order of the day and Korolyov was injured when a guard decided to beat him with a shovel in the head. The food also was very poor: Sergey fourteen teeth lost because of scurvy.
If Korolyov had remained in Kolyma few months undoubtedly would have died. Fortunately, in July 1939 received a warning: in a few months be a retrial of his case. Korolyov due in Moscow for the date of the hearing, but there is a problem is that the voyage is in your account. Must travel more than five thousand miles on their own. Sergey Kolyma is released and leaves in a race against time. Hitchhiking comes to Magadan, but the ship has already left. Korolyov despair, but soon after learned that that same ship had an accident in which 700 people die. It is the second time that Korolyov dodge death for very little. When it comes to Khabarovsk to catch the train back to Moscow, his situation is so deplorable that the doctors give up for dead. But after recuperate Sergey reach the capital in March 1940, just in time for the new trial.
The sentence was made public and to the amazement of Korolyov and his family, the court ordered it again, this time to eight years only, to be met retroactively from 1938. Korolyov can not believe. He knows that if he should die without remedy Kolyma. He, who had flown through the clouds and dreamed of traveling into space, is trapped in a nightmare you can not wake up. Fortunately, this time his destination is not Kolyma, but Sevzheldorlag field, where he will devote to the construction of the railway.
But fortune smiles again to Korolyov when the famous aeronautical engineer Andrei Tupolev decided to include his name on a list of 25 engineers who want to work in sharashka TsKB-29. It is seen that Tupolev, himself the subject of the Stalinist purges, he still remembered his brief encounters with the young engineer. When he reached the sharashka of Tupolev, his teammates were amazed by his emaciated appearance. Life in the sharashka was paradise next to Kolyma, but during the first days Korolyov flatly refused to leave a crust of bread and several lumps of sugar hidden in their pockets. The brutal Gulag experience Korolyov changed forever. His character is back brusque and surly, with a propensity to anger attacks.
In 1942, with war at its height, would be sent to Kazan to work in the OKB-16. Paradoxes of life, there your head would Valentin Glushko, the same fellow who had denounced RNII years earlier. However, there were no indications that Korolyov keep some kind of grudge against Glushko, because they shared the same room and often play sports together. Soon after, the two engineers receive incredible news. Apparently, the Nazis had built a giant rocket, much bigger than anyone thought possible until now.
Korolyov would be one of the specialists who would eventually examine in detail the mysterious missile German A-4, beginning a journey that would open the way to the stars ... But that's another story.
Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov .
Yuri Gagarin (or LEFT) with Sergei Korolyov in 1961.
was not the first time the secret police had in the neighborhood and had arrested several neighbors. Most had been absorbed by the complex system of prison camps of the Gulag , but they were alive and wrote regularly to his family. However, the really worrying was that minority who had disappeared without a trace. Despite the fear, Korolyov plucked up courage and went home with the paper and bread. When all is said and done, what else could I do? It made no sense to flee or hide, there was only resign and wait. During dinner, his wife Ksenia was particularly concerned about the presence of the officers of the NKVD. Fortunately, his daughter Natalia, only three years old, was at grandma's house. After dinner the couple's fears were confirmed when the doorbell rang. When you open the door, there were two men in black. As expected, Korolev ordered to dress and accompany them. As he walked away in the car, Korolyov knew that would take two years to return to step Moscow. Three months later, the NKVD would Korolyov's name on a list of "traitors" who should be killed inmedatamente. The death sentence would be signed by Stalin himself. The future fate of the Chief Engineer was sealed.
The GDL GIRD and
Before Terror, Korolyov's life had passed in a much more enjoyable. Unlike other pioneers of astronautics as Tsiolkovsky, Goddard, Oberth and von Braun, Korolyov had not shown any particular interest in outer space. Theirs was to fly. Felt a special fascination with airplanes and twenties even designed several gliders. A Foreign liked to test their own designs, hobby cost him quite a few "scares." Korolyov would meet with Rockets investigating methods to fly higher, faster and farther than anyone. During his student at Moscow's Bauman Technical University (MVTU) was able to meet many brilliant engineers who shared his passion for aviation and jet propulsion.
Korolyov in his student years.
Korolyov (center) testing one of their gliders.
founded in the autumn of 1931 with other amateur rocketry organization GIRD (Группа изучения реактивного движения, "Study Group of the Jet Motion") . Among the founders were figures from the likes of Mikhail Tijonrávov , but the real powerhouse of this diverse group of scientists and engineers was Fridrij Tsánder , a visionary of space exploration. "Forward to Mars!" (Вперёд, к Марсу!) Was the slogan as a mantra repeated ad nauseam. Fridrij was in some ways the antithesis of Korolyov. Passionate, reckless, disorganized and inconsistent, in sharp contrast with the methodical, ambitious young Korolyov. But Foreign Minister had a deep respect for the figure of Tsánder. While Korolyov could be quite rude to her fellow GIRD when comparing opinions, almost never dared to interrupt Tsánder in public. During a visit to GIRD by several senior party, Korolyov had recommended to his colleagues did not talk about space, avoiding "frightening" to the authorities. All engineers presented their achievements without making any reference to space travel. But when it came his turn to Tsánder, he began to passionately explain how in a few years a Soviet citizen could travel the cosmos in hand GIRD rockets. The other fellow was left in shock, but Korolyov decided not to intervene and allowed Tsánder continue with his presentation. In fact, the future Chief Engineer secretly used to pay the waiters in the bar of GIRD to receive a breakfast Tsánder more abundant than usual. Obsessed with work and space travel, Tsánder barely eating enough to stand, which was cause for concern among his fellow GIRD. Unfortunately, poor eating habits and busy lifestyle we would bill and would die in 1933 without seeing his dream come true.
Fridrij Tsánder.
Models "interplanetary craft" of Tsánder.
OR-2 engine kerosene and liquid oxygen Tsánder designed.
is at this time when Korolyov began to think seriously about space travel, no doubt thanks to his long talks with Tsánder and direct contact with the work of Tsiolkovsky, by then recognized as a pioneer in this field. The GIRD was not a totally amateur , Since it depended on Osoaviajim, a statewide organization designed to promote the development of new aircraft technologies. Yes, the wages were particularly low even by Soviet standards of the time. This was intended to only stay in the GIRD those engineers and scientists were truly committed to the cause of the rocket. Tsánder would be the first leader of GIRD, but when the authorities saw the erratic behavior of the eccentric scientist decided to put the pragmatic Korolyov by the group.
GIRD founding members, with the row Korolyov down in the center. Tsánder appears in the same row on the right.
The GIRD soon reap its first successes. Before 1933, this amateur team had built and launched the first Soviet liquid fuel rocket, the GIRD-09. But the truth is that the GIRD-09 was actually a hybrid rocket, would follow soon after the GIRD-10 (or GIRD-X), totally liquid propulsion. The Soviet GIRD getting so that Germany and the United States had achieved a few years earlier. Liquid fuels were extremely complex and expensive compared to traditional solid-fuel rocket based on compounds of gunpowder. However, they were much more efficient from the standpoint of energy. If the man had to reach space, I would thanks to liquid fuels. But Korolyov and other GIRD members were aware that a military approach was essential to achieve adequate levels of funding required the development of these new rockets. By then it was unclear what role they could play the Rockets on the battlefield, but surely something would work. For here to find new ways to kill us, humans are particularly good.
The GIRD-09.
Members GIRD with GIRD-10, the first Soviet liquid fuel rocket.
result of these contacts, GIRD started to receive a financial support of the Red Army in exchange for following certain lines of investigation secret. Although for the rest of Soviet society the GIRD was little more than a gang of eccentric amateurs, it is true that by 1933 had become a true research institute with over seventy employees. Parallel
to GIRD in the USSR there was another group dedicated to investigating the development of rockets called GDL (Газодинамическая лаборатория, "Lab Gasodinámica) . The GDL had been founded in 1928 and reported directly to the Red Army. Among their ranks were also brilliant engineers such as Valentin Glushko, dedicated to the investigation of hypergolic fuel engines. Thirty years later, Glushko become Korolyov's successor at the head of the Soviet space program. As GIRD progressed in developing its missiles, it became increasingly clear that it would be logical to merge the two organizations under the control of the military. The GDL was a much larger school and disciplined, the end of the military era, but GIRD members were welcome a merger for the sake of "cause." The same thought Tukhachevsky , future Marshal of the Soviet Union and spiritual father of the GDL.
The union was expected in October 1933, leading to the first institute research in the world dedicated exclusively to the development of rockets. The creature is called RNII (Реактивный научно-исследовательский институт, "Scientific Research Institute of the [Sprint] Jet") and depend on the curatorial -Soviet ministry of heavy industry ( Komtyazhprom ).
Valentin Petrovich Glushko . The
RNII be headed by Ivan Kleymiónov and Georgi Langemak , the latter invented the term "space flight ." Friction between Korolyov and other GIRDianos with Kleymiónov would not expect. Langemak Kleymiónov and were supporters of the solid fuel rockets, much less efficient than liquid fuel launchers, but easier to build and store. Kleymiónov considered the RNII should primarily be practical and useful weapons development, not mere fantasy vehicles. As a last resort, tolerated the use of liquid fuels in certain cases, but always they were hypergolic fuels. Glushko had demonstrated the value of this type of fuel, though toxic, were much easier to store than the volatile and expensive liquid oxygen favored by the "crazy" of GIRD. And it would be a brief discussion. The debate between the two types of fuel would be about the Soviet space program as a spectrum well into the 70's.
Teriéntevich Kleymiónov Ivan.
Érijovich Langemak Georgi.
With Kleymiónov pressure, RNII would design the solid fuel rocket RS-82 and RS-132, which eventually would become the famous M-8 and M-13 of the Second World War, more popularly known as Katyusha . In contrast, Korolyov and his former colleagues GIRD not seem to be very clear what to do with liquid fuel rockets. Ballistic missiles were still far in the future and the only viable option was to use them as missiles or aircraft to propel airplanes into the stratosphere. In any case, the military did not seem very impressed with the applications of liquid fuels. However, supporters of Korolyov and Kleymiónov continued their fighting, sending incriminating letters to party officials and Tukhachevsky. The quarterback, now paragraph RNII direct control, was forced to intervene several times to bring order to the school.
But while RNII engineers wasted their efforts on children squabbling, the country in which they lived began to change dramatically. In 1937 begin the era of ' The Terror' unleashed by Stalin with the invaluable assistance of Nikolai Yezhov, commissioner of the NKVD. The arrests of "enemies of the people" multiplied at the same time a generalized psychosis took over the entire population. No one was safe. Anyone could be sued for "traitor", or worse, "Saboteur" - at the hands of neighbors or coworkers.
The NKVD then launched into an orgy of purging among senior Red Army. Tukhachevsky quarterback, former RNII pattern would be arrested on May 26, 1937 as a suspected member of an "anti-Soviet Trotskyite conspiracy." 17 days after he was executed. In a system like the Soviet-dominated patronage relationships, the subordinates of purged officials are next on the list of the NKVD. In this context, the old pujas RNII engineers acquire now a deadly hue, literally. Leonid Korneiev, a former specialist RNII engineer fired for Kleymiónov liquid oxygen, Stalin sent a letter denouncing his former boss as an accomplice of the "dog Tukhachevsky." Andrei Kostikov, another former GIRD engineer specializing in liquid fuels Kleymiónov branded as a traitor, a charge particularly serious given that Kostikov a member of the Communist Party.
At first, the RNII try to stay out of the purges. But as expected, the November 3, 1937 the NKVD arrested the day Kleymiónov and then follows his deputy, Georgi Langemak. A month later, a signature Kleymiónov confession under torture and is subjected to a military trial on January 10, 1938. Would be executed that day. On January 11 it would behoove the turn Langemak. Kleymiónov loss and Langemak have important consequences. The investigation of solid-fuel rockets in the USSR would suffer a significant delay because of these purges. Had it not been killed, would they have been considered and Langemak Kleymiónov pioneers of astronautics with Korolyov and Glushko? We'll never know.
But the drama in the RNII not stop with these deaths, as during the torture sessions had betrayed Kleymiónov Glushko and Korolev as accomplices of their "crimes." Korolev managed to avoid being involved in the matter for some time. When all is said and done, the enemy of Kleymiónov had nothing to fear. Kostikov pressed him to inform on his enemies, but Korolyov preferred to concentrate on work and continued with business as usual. As a friend of Kleymiónov, Glushko not have much luck and March 23, 1938 was arrested by the NKVD. Shortly after he was sentenced to six years in prison, but fortunately sent to a labor camp for engineers, known informally sharashka - where living conditions are relatively good. The sharashkas would be created by the infamous Lavrenti Beria under the official name of OTB, "special technical offices."
Unfortunately for Korolev, Glushko also reveals during an interrogation. As a result, the circle narrows more and more around the young engineer. Finally, Korolyov was arrested June 27 in Moscow. From there he moved to a prison in Novocherkassk, near the black sea. In this prison would be "questioned" as a gift thoughtful and it seems that received paths fractures in upper and lower jaws. Following this beating would be impossible to open the mouth fully for the rest of his life. A few months later, the NKVD decided to include in a list of traitors to be executed. Korolev did not know, but his life hung by a thread. The convicts would be executed two days later in Kommunark, a center of the NKVD near Moscow. Against all odds, his death sentence was overturned and Korolyov end up in court. Still unknown what caused this last minute change, but what is certain is that the history of space exploration would be very different if the name of Korolyov had not been removed from that grim list. Although
miraculously saved his life, things would not be any easier for Sergey. The judge decided to sentence him to ten years in prison and five of deprivation of political rights. Korolyov thought, like many other prisoners, it was all a simple misunderstanding. He maintained a correspondence with his family frantic to try to change their situation. Finally, the authorities agreed to review his case, but Korolyov not have time to rejoice. Because before you get your notice of his retrial in April 1939, the NKVD sent him to work at gold mines Kolyma in eastern Siberia. To say that the conditions were brutal Kolyma is an understatement. Even by the cruel standards of the Gulag, life in the gold mines was hellish. Before to reach the mines, many prisoners lost their lives during the journey by boat across the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk to reach the port of Magadan. Korolyov soon would add another seventy thousand prisoners who worked in the Kolyma River day and night temperatures of several tens of degrees below zero. The killings and beatings were the order of the day and Korolyov was injured when a guard decided to beat him with a shovel in the head. The food also was very poor: Sergey fourteen teeth lost because of scurvy.
If Korolyov had remained in Kolyma few months undoubtedly would have died. Fortunately, in July 1939 received a warning: in a few months be a retrial of his case. Korolyov due in Moscow for the date of the hearing, but there is a problem is that the voyage is in your account. Must travel more than five thousand miles on their own. Sergey Kolyma is released and leaves in a race against time. Hitchhiking comes to Magadan, but the ship has already left. Korolyov despair, but soon after learned that that same ship had an accident in which 700 people die. It is the second time that Korolyov dodge death for very little. When it comes to Khabarovsk to catch the train back to Moscow, his situation is so deplorable that the doctors give up for dead. But after recuperate Sergey reach the capital in March 1940, just in time for the new trial.
The sentence was made public and to the amazement of Korolyov and his family, the court ordered it again, this time to eight years only, to be met retroactively from 1938. Korolyov can not believe. He knows that if he should die without remedy Kolyma. He, who had flown through the clouds and dreamed of traveling into space, is trapped in a nightmare you can not wake up. Fortunately, this time his destination is not Kolyma, but Sevzheldorlag field, where he will devote to the construction of the railway.
But fortune smiles again to Korolyov when the famous aeronautical engineer Andrei Tupolev decided to include his name on a list of 25 engineers who want to work in sharashka TsKB-29. It is seen that Tupolev, himself the subject of the Stalinist purges, he still remembered his brief encounters with the young engineer. When he reached the sharashka of Tupolev, his teammates were amazed by his emaciated appearance. Life in the sharashka was paradise next to Kolyma, but during the first days Korolyov flatly refused to leave a crust of bread and several lumps of sugar hidden in their pockets. The brutal Gulag experience Korolyov changed forever. His character is back brusque and surly, with a propensity to anger attacks.
In 1942, with war at its height, would be sent to Kazan to work in the OKB-16. Paradoxes of life, there your head would Valentin Glushko, the same fellow who had denounced RNII years earlier. However, there were no indications that Korolyov keep some kind of grudge against Glushko, because they shared the same room and often play sports together. Soon after, the two engineers receive incredible news. Apparently, the Nazis had built a giant rocket, much bigger than anyone thought possible until now.
Korolyov would be one of the specialists who would eventually examine in detail the mysterious missile German A-4, beginning a journey that would open the way to the stars ... But that's another story.
Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov .
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