Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ikea Sultan Round Bed

The tsunami of Sendai from space

Unless you've been in a cave for the last 24 hours, by now you've probably heard about the brutal earthquake (大 地震) of magnitude 8.9 on the scale Richter to hit Japan. The tsunami (津 波, "harbor wave" in Japanese) resulting swept the Sendai region, leaving behind scenes of destruction inherent in a Godzilla movie. Areas flooded by the tsunami is clearly visible in this image ( here you can see it in high resolution) taken at 10:30 UTC today in visible and infrared light by the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ) to aboard the satellite Terra (EOS AM-1) of NASA:

The bottom image was also captured by the MODIS on February 26 and is shown as comparison. Despite the clouds, you can clearly see the areas flooded by the tsunami south of Sendai.

Details of the affected area (NASA).

The Terra satellite orbits the Earth at 705 km altitude and MODIS has a resolution of 200-1000 m (depending on the spectral band). Such images are particularly useful in assessing damage and plan relief work and reconstruction.

Indeed, it is worth mentioning that the control center of the Japanese Kibo module of the ISS, located in Tsukuba, has been damaged by the earthquake . As a result, the space agency JAXA Japan has decided to temporarily transfer control of the Kibo module and the spacecraft HTV2 Kounotori to Houston.

亡くなった みなさん の ご め いふく を 心から お祈り します.


More images of the area by German satellite Rapid Eye:

The tsunami reached Sendai (


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