Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who Has The Biggest Breast In Bollywood


The course, the future of any revolution depends on the strength of its most essential foundations: if these fail, will inevitably fall if they are strong, the process is able to resist everything. Let's see.
Chief among these foundations is moral, ethical, spiritual, is the sense of belonging to humanity, the belief that society can only solve the problems that the individual outputs ultimately are illusions.
History shows that the loss of any revolution is always preceded by a breakdown of the main foundation. The introduction of individual outputs, the weakening of the sense of belonging society, calls for the formation of a stream, a political stance that confronts the Socialism, to society.
This will strengthen the restoration options, come the explanations for the shift towards capitalism, euphemisms take account of politics, principles are seen as extremely lax, peaceful coexistence with the ethics selfish Bourgeois, opens the way for further concessions.
Thus, the ethics of egoism and individualism, are reinforced with a thousand excuses. Revolutionary thought is now seen as excessive, as a belated extremism.
Fracture of the ethical foundation is silent, only perceived when it reaches high levels and its consequences endanger the revolution. Before everything seemed fine, the sea was calm political, mass behaved as usual, but the decisive day, when their assistance is required, she sits watching the agony of distant rulers, no longer perceived as their own.
Ultimately the Revolution breaks down, flies in the face to the astonishment of the revolutionaries failed to see the collapse, plunged into their plots in their bubbles, lost targets that neglected the main foundation.
ethical foundation
This shows the need for organization: only a company incorporated in the social fabric is an integrated society, true, can work together to respond, react. And, what is far more important, can only make organized sense of society.
Revolutions should have observation posts to monitor the ethical foundation, to analyze the signals sent reality. The people's reactions are very important to observe how trying to solve their problems, selfish behavior, the altruistic goals, the reasons that move his dreams, his love for his leadership, respect for its leaders.
prestige behaviors should be altruistic, moral incentives to reward with the behavior of belonging to society, to combat the selfish solutions. In short: it is necessary, urgent for the Revolution, to promote the Culture of Social Responsibility.
The enemy, because that is the oligarburguesía, very dangerous and cruel, if you know the importance of ethical foundation, knows the damage it does to a Revolution selfishness, and loses no opportunity to encourage it. When these behaviors occur among us, make merry, and published in all media nocomunicación.
Resteaos With Chavez!


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