Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sew In Weave With Side Bangs Instructions


As we approach the 2012 survey the rain intensifies, they are bourgeois protagonists in every election, most seek to false feelings of the electoral table. Some are serious, scientific, these are so rare as useful.
The surveys are not pristine, are strongly influenced by the type of elections investigated and the interests of participants. Let's see.
The oligarburgueses, who consider the election marketing exercises and their candidates goods, use surveys as an exploration of the market. Thus, their questions are designed to know the position of "product."
main research is the acceptance of the candidate and his relationship with the other products. The subordinate questions are: denial, why, major problems facing the "buyers" voters "perception of the candidate's image. These results model the campaign, colors, slogans, photos in their family.
campaign revolutionary, although there is in the grounds of bourgeois elections, you must have an objective beyond winning the election. For the Revolution is not enough to win, it is important how you win. Fundamental are the numerical results as well as the organizational awareness training.
The Revolution can not be sustained only in a positive outcome in bourgeois elections, mass awareness needs to undertake and sustain the revolutionary changes . For the bourgeoisie any outcome is good, provided it is given the logic of marketing. The
revolutionary surveys should explore the reality looking to meet other aspects, other edges. For example, what are the motives of the people, their goals, their world view, the relationships they establish, their problems and the solutions they provide, the origin attributed to them. In summary, should try to establish the spirituality of the mass, it depends on the triumph of revolutionary candidate and will depend on the fate of the Revolution.
Revolution is a process that pits two worldviews. These days a copei leader shouting that the government's measures to benefit society and not the individual. This lady, in their ignorance and hatred, was telling a great truth. The Revolution is the rescue of a sense of society and the overcoming of egoism and individualism.
If selfishness advances, so does the bourgeoisie and its candidates. However, if the sense of society rises, dough will better understand what is decided in the elections and take sides, no doubt vote for the candidate of the Revolution. The Revolution will be fortified against attacks of the bourgeoisie, whether in the field it is.
So much for the revolution. We know that the bourgeois legality is respected only when it suits them best when they are unfavorable election lash out against revolutionary governments that they arise. Examples abound, there are Allende, April, Honduras and Libya to tell us that the path of revolution transcends bourgeois legality.
Resteaos With Chavez!


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