Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Several issues were discussed with emphasis within the Bolivarian Revolution: the role of government, property, social classes, all very interesting.
Here we refer to one that we believe crucial, it is the role of the middle class or petty bourgeoisie in the revolution. "Direct or is it for? The answer depends on the direction of the Revolution. Let's see.
The first thing to point out is that ideologies migrate. This means that the ideology of a class can be taken by another class. Thus, the hegemonic class colonizes souls of the dominated classes, this is the basis of domination. Thus a minority class can lead the whole society.
Thus, what is important in the analysis is the ideology that drives the process, rather than the number of the class going. important thing is not the origin of class leaders, but the ideology that permeates. Ortega remember that the coup was a worker, and Gustavo Machado, the great revolutionary leader, was a bourgeois, Engels was a factory owner and Bolivar ... Mantua.
confuse this class with class ideology leads to serious errors.
So we can not conclude that this revolution is led by middle class, the petty bourgeoisie, because many government cadres come from that class.
right thing beneficial to the breakthrough is to determine what goes and what ideology is likely to lead to Socialism. Or more accurately, which competing ideological hegemony of the Revolution. Elucidate.
are two ideologies that are vying for dominance of a revolution: the capitalist ideology and socialist ideology, and all ideological manifestation enroll in one of them.
The ideology of the petty bourgeoisie is a variant of capitalist ideology, characterized as shameful and always defend capitalism: sometimes clearly, when right, and other obliquely, when acts of revolutionary.
is a cowardly ideology ranging from the desire to rise to the middle class that mimics the fear of failure to achieve, and in the attempt, descend to the underworld of poverty. This ideology fearful, acting for the Revolution, between revolutionary rhetoric, denouncing the evils of capitalism and capitalist practice.
His proposals in all social fields are fragmenting. Thus, the People, a political organization, economy, all, makes a mockery of Revolution.
This petty-bourgeois ideology of the middle class can not lead to a revolution! It can only organize his funeral.
The only ideology capable of revolution is the proletarian ideology. This can incarnate in other social sectors and direct the process, but at some point must be with their class, workers, make them aware and place at the forefront of the revolution.
The middle class, the petty bourgeoisie, it must integrate these revolutionary processes, adopt the revolutionary ideology. The rest is pyrotechnics ideological.
resteaos With Chavez!


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