At the end there were no problems and the capsule of the Soyuz TMA- 01M (officially called the Soyuz TMA-M ) has landed today at 07:53 UTC 80 km Arkalyk (Kazakhstan) and Alexander Kaleri, Oleg Skrípochka and Scott Kelly, members of the ISS Expedition 26. In recent days had speculated on the possibility of a return ballistic because certain problems with the new digital systems of the Soyuz TMA-M, but finally the decline has been entirely nominal.
Kelly, Kaleri and Skrípochka (NASA).
cosmonauts position inside the shuttle during launch: 1-Kaleri, 2-Skrípochka, 3-Kelly (
Soyuz (Roskosmos).
Logo of the Soyuz TMA-01M. If it goes through a binary editor, different 11 rows of 0 and 1 give the name of the ship (Roskosmos).
Emblem of the Expedition 26 (NASA).
current ISS configuration without aSoyuz l TMA-01M (NASA).
Return of the Soyuz TMA-01M:
Separation of Soyuz TMA-01M (NASA).
The interior of a Soyuz TM SA record (NASA).
Reentry (NASA).
decline Outline TMA-01M (TsUP).
decrease Path (NASA).
Rescuers (NASA).
Posadka! (Roskosmos).
cosmonauts in home (NASA). Video
closing hatches:
Kelly, Kaleri and Skrípochka (NASA).
cosmonauts position inside the shuttle during launch: 1-Kaleri, 2-Skrípochka, 3-Kelly (
Soyuz (Roskosmos).
Logo of the Soyuz TMA-01M. If it goes through a binary editor, different 11 rows of 0 and 1 give the name of the ship (Roskosmos).
Emblem of the Expedition 26 (NASA).
current ISS configuration without aSoyuz l TMA-01M (NASA).
Return of the Soyuz TMA-01M:
- active crew life support system (orbital module (BO) of Soyuz, known as Block Atmosphere Purification and BOA (Блок Очистки Атмосферы, БОА) and begins to filter carbon dioxide from the ship through the filters of lithium hydroxide.
- hatches are closed between Rassvyet module and Soyuz TMA-01M.
- Checking the tightness of the vehicles.
- The crew goes to the descent module (SA) and active life support the same after closing the hatch between the BO and SA. Filters lithium hydroxide SA are now responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of the ship.
- attitude control passes to the ISS Russian segment.
- 4:21 UTC, order of separation. The ISS without attitude control. Thus, the computers on the station does not attempt to compensate for movements due to the separation of the spacecraft, which could result in the collision of vehicles.
- 4:24 UTC: Start of the separation maneuver the Soyuz TMA-01M Rassvyet module to be the gap between the hatch of the spacecraft and the ISS. 8 groups are removed from the station hooks are active in the ring the hatch and then retracted Soyuz hooks ( system MGS) as ordered DO15. In addition to the Sokol pressure suit KV-2, the crew are anti-g trousers Kentavr-under-suit to make things easier re-entry. To prepare for the encounter with the Earth's gravity, the astronauts take salt tablets and drink with electrolytes before departure.
- 4:32 UTC: attitude control of the ISS is the North American segment station.
- Unlike other missions, this time the crew had to perform several tests pilot to test the security of digital guidance systems. In any case, the new digital computer has no role during reentry, since it is located in the propulsion module (PAO).
Separation of Soyuz TMA-01M (NASA).
- 4:40 UTC, when the Soyuz is 20 meters, turn on the DPO maneuvering engines for 15 seconds, reaching about 0.543 m / s, to remove the ship from the ISS and not damage solar panels and other structures of the station.
- 7:03:17 UTC: on braking at 362.4 km altitude and 7.39 km / s for 257 seconds to make re-entry using the SKD main engine KTDU system (or KDU, Комбинированная Двигательная Установка, КДУ, "Combined propulsion plant). In the Soyuz TMA engine is KTDU-80 and has a thrust of 316 kgf. This engine can turn a total of 40 times. Its specific impulse is 305 seconds and the total Delta-V of the ship is 390 m / s. With electric motors, you can rotate the engine nozzle ± 5 º. The braking impulse depends on the orbit the Soyuz: a higher, more momentum. In general, the value of Delta-V was 89.6 m / s for orbit of 200-300 km in height or 102.4 m / s to 300-330 km (for greater heights Delta-V should be of 115.2 m / s). Normally, the Soyuz is separated from the ISS 1.5 orbits (two hours) before starting. The exact length of it depends on the mass of the ship and usually does not exceed 260 seconds.
- 7:07:34: End of braking power to 352.9 km in height and 7.289 km / s.
- 7:27:57 UTC: separation of the three modules of the spacecraft to 140 km altitude. The modules are separated about 22.5 minutes after ignition (almost 20 minutes for the TMA-18)-an orbit-room, almost always at 140 km altitude and thanks to twelve explosive bolts in the BO and five in the ODP (plus five springs in the latter). The separation occurs with the vessel perpendicular to the direction of travel, with the orbiter pointed to Earth. Thus the three parts of the Soyuz follow paths of different input and eliminates any possibility of colliding with the SA. The rate of separation of the modules for the capsule is 0.58 m / s for PAO and 0.82 m / s for the BO (BO is lighter than the PAO). Not being protected by a heat shield, the BO and PAO are destroyed in the atmosphere at a height of 70-75 km. Their remains fall into an area of \u200b\u200b1030 x 68 km about 800 km from behind (within the meaning of the orbit) the landing place of the SA (400 km in the case of a ballistic entry.) The time between the separation of the modules and landing is about 20 minutes.
The interior of a Soyuz TM SA record (NASA).
Reentry (NASA).
- 7:30:50 UTC: early re-entry to 102.3 km in height and 7.595 km / s. Atmospheric entry phase itself takes place between 80 km and 10 km in height, with a duration of 450-500 seconds, and ends when the main parachute opens, OSP (ОСП). The capsule entered the atmosphere with an initial inclination of about 1.35 º. A 32.8 km high maximum deceleration occurs (4 g). Thanks to the shape of the ship and the position of its center of gravity, it will always be directed to heat shield forward without any active control. During a controlled reentry or AUS, the onboard computer (KSO-20M) using the SIO-S (System Jet Descent Control), consisting of 8 small engines peroxide hydrogen of 10 kgf each, to keep the capsule in the optimum path in accordance with predetermined entry plan. The micromotors are called URMD (Управляющие Реактивные Микродвигатели, УРМД) and generate thrust by expelling water vapor and oxygen, which are the products of the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with a catalyst. During reentry, the computer (BTsVK called KSO-20M) is further supported by data from angular rate sensors (BDUs), accelerometers (BSA) and gyro (SG). The accelerometers operate in six axes (BILU). In conjunction with the WIS-S, all these systems integrate the control system during the descent (SUS). SIO-S system is activated only after the separation of the Soyuz modules and start the vehicle attitude control about 80 km in height.
decline Outline TMA-01M (TsUP).
- 7:39:23 UTC: pyrotechnic charges released canopy cover and it opens the parachute pilot VP (Вытажной Парашют, ВП) to 10.6 km high-actually formed by two small parachutes that are deployed one after another (of 0.46 and 4.45 square meters respectively) - which in turn pulls the drogue parachute TP ( Тормозной Парашют, ТП) of 16 square meters. This reduces the rate of descent of 230 m / s to 90 m / s.
- 7:33 UTC: opening the main parachute OSP (Основная Парашютная Система, ОСП) to 8.5 km in height. It follows the drogue chute and deploys the main parachute, which allows the capsule to acquire a descent speed of 6-7 m / s. During this stage, communicating with the capsule is made by ABM-264 antenna, which is incorporated in the ropes of the parachute. During descent the SA hangs asymmetrically from the main parachute cords at an angle of 30 degrees, which helps to cool the vehicle. A 5.5 km high trigger small pyrotechnic charges that move the whole cable ties through guides on the fuselage of the spacecraft, allowing the capsule is suspended symmetrically. Also off the roofs of the two windows HS, so you can see outside. Early versions of the Soyuz did not have these decks and the crew could barely discern anything through the windows blackened by reentry. Right at this moment arm cushions three seats Kazbek-UM, so that the cosmonauts are in a position closer to the instrument panel. At this height it follows the ablative heat shield, exposing six small solid rocket (WMD).
decrease Path (NASA).
- 7:53 UTC, landing about 80 km from Arkalyk (51 ° 00 'N, 67 ° 10' E). The DMP slow the speed of the ship to the 1.5-2 m / s. These rockets are lit from 0.8 to 1.5 m in height and, depending on the speed of the ship, will be activated only four (normal) or six. The four DMP that light always have a thrust of 375 kgf. The other two have two power modes: 85 kgf or 195 kgf. The power is produced by a gamma ray altimeter (GLV, called Kaktus-2V) located near the retro. The ship carries a small amount of cesium as part of this instrument, so always check that no radiation leak after landing.
Rescuers (NASA).
Posadka! (Roskosmos).
cosmonauts in home (NASA). Video
closing hatches:
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