Thursday, March 10, 2011

Programming Remote Lincoln Town Car 2000

GIVE ME A HOUSE, ALSO A SENSE (Thursday 10/03/2011)

Capitalist governments built houses, but always remained humble immersed in the material and spiritual poverty. His life remained in a carousel of unmet material needs and spiritual crushed, no aim other than to survive a world that was hostile.
In capitalism provides the material is separated from the spiritual, the satisfaction of needs is an individual activity, self-centered and fragmented. The state encourages petty solution.
Here in Venezuela, rent-seeking, achievement was not related to social stress. The satisfaction of needs was an electoral method, never home training.
way of the world of capitalism, its essence is the fragmentation between the spiritual and material. Capitalism sees no other reward than the material. "Give me a house" is a transaction that is based on the logic of capitalism: a commodity is changed other goods: home by descent, zinc foil voting inclination scholarship. So customers build a people and a government hucksters.
Now with the revolutionary government everything changed, everything must change: needs must be others, and satisfaction differently. "Give me a house" should be accompanied by "Give a Life," "give me a sense", "deliver me from the logic of capitalism", "begin to be human", "stop being social goods or debris clinging desperately to the margins consuming society. " "Give me a house" should mean build together a new world!
This is an essential task of the revolution, change the system and the system needs to meet those needs.
The way we resolve the material determine the formation of conscience. If we do not participate in society will be in the best, meeting the spiritual needs but strengthening capitalism, creating the gravediggers of socialism. If the solution is accompanied by a great mass movement, we will raise the revolutionary consciousness and be invincible.
We must be the protagonists of the achievements material and spiritual, so we'll conscious society, authors of the future.
For that we need a strong campaign to build houses and, simultaneously, a cultural campaign, training of the new social consciousness, a rationalization of the needs and, above all, determining, providing human beings with a sense of reasons why life sacred.
man's sense of Socialism is not simply the material, is the union, the reunion of the material with the spiritual, the merger of its two halves separated by capitalism, incorporating it as complete, gives substance to their life, building warrants a new world, viable. In other words, the sense of man is reunited with the human, this is the Good Life.
More important than the accounting is to build houses of consciousness, of humanist culture, the sense of society. A man found integrated with their humanity, is able to resist everything, build everything. A man arrested in the material is fragile prey to their executioners.
Chavez is Socialism!


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